Friday, October 31

As a disclaimer, I am a shameless asshole, and I strongly dislike most people.
Take into consideration, mind you, that I am twenty-one year old college student. I have no place judging those in my age group.
But, there is one class of young person that I just cannot tolerate.
The "bro". The simple-minded feminized male that hangs out with 'the boys' more on a weekly basis, than I would hang out with my best friend in a year. It's sad, really. They come in large groups, and generally carry shitty characteristics such as bad pick-up lines, in their pockets.
For instance, while at a bar recently, I was assailed by a young man; approximately twenty-two, wearing a button-down shirt and khaki shorts.
Said young man did not appreciate the fact that I was not paying remote attention to him, so he attempted a new angle: the pick-up line.
Conversation went as follows:
Bro: "Have you seen any woodland creatures around here tonight?"
J: "Uhhh. Nope. Not as far as I recall."
(Seconds pass...)
J: "Why...?"
Bro: (thrusting his bulging forearms in my face,) "BECAUSE THESE ANACONDAS ARE HUNGRY!"
(Scores of laughter from his mates ensued, upon his receipt of my dumbfounded expression.)

C'mon. Ladies. Really? Do they think that by acting like common domesticated animals, they will succeed in charming today's sophisticated upper-crust women?
I doubt it.

Scumbags, beware.
We can see right through you, and we're smarter than you give us credit for.

Thursday, October 30

Dope. Dirt. Brother. Nixon. Judas. In other words, heroine.
I have never tried it. I never will.
But it is amongst my generation like a plague. I have gone no where on my travels and not heard of its use. I do in fact, have several friends that are former heroine users. There is every chance, that they are still using.
What is this black tar plague that has infected America's youth? To the government, it is under watchful eye. But the population itself? Not nearly to the degree that it should be.
Now, I am not hating on the substance itself. Just the destructive side-effects that I have seen come from its use. Ironically, I can think of no 'good' things about the drug, perhaps except, the high itself.
But is it really even enjoyable? The sources I have spoken to say so, but I am inclined to disagree.
Perhaps this is a subject I am not fit to speak on, but as an advocate for freedom as a term, I am going to share my thoughts, regardless.
In my limited experience with users, I have heard only awful horror stories of the come-down; the biting period after use that makes one feel as though he is dying a slow, painful death. But, perhaps dramatist points of view are necessary to prevent its use by others. I am not to be the one who makes that decision.
This rant deserves a disclaimer:
Every day, I am surrounded by people in my age group, who are just trying to survive, one day at a time. They are not to be judged, or thought ill of. They are people, like myself, and you who is reading this.
Never for a moment think that you are above someone suffering from addiction, or experimenting with drugs. They are human beings, just trying to survive as you are. Not every facet of life is the same, but we are all equal; human beings by design.

About Me

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i am young, though every sunrise brings another aching muscle, another sore joint. i am wise, though every mistake holds consequences, and every hurt makes room for emptiness. I will one day rise; face myself, and let knowledge run rampant.