I do so love technological advancements.
This website, while somewhat annoying at eight in the morning when I'm trying to sleep, may be one of the greatest concepts I've ever encountered.
The idea behind it, basically, is instant communication for mass access. One gathers a group of "followers" and can post updates on every day life; one hundred forty characters of "What's up?".
Now normally, I would be convinced that Twitter was a cult. I know...perhaps a bit of a conspiracy theorist, at times. It certainly might be an addiction. But there is one important common platform: mass communication, and on an open network. One can actually engage in conversation with people that aren't necessarily 'friends', but have the potential to be such.
Celebrities have acquired a taste for the service, meeting their fans on a common platform. Of course, this is all the politics of fame, but the concept as a whole is intriguing. \
I'll update on this as it progresses.
Saturday, March 14
Monday, March 9
When I said I Didn't Care...
That was exactly what I meant.
I have seen a great many things in my life. I don't expect you to believe the things I say, because many unusual strokes of luck have befallen me, and I have been blessed to see a great many things. Part of who I am stems from this; my social awkwardness.
I don't trust people, because they don't trust me first. This is true for most people, and because of that, and the lack of solid evidence against me, I'm not terribly concerned by what others think of me.
Also, in regard to the recent hate mail saga, I am less than shocked. Drama is like a drug for some people, and they'll instigate for any given reason. People are mostly pathetic, and that's just facts.
Most wonder why a person with as much energy and attitude as I have hates humanity. Well folks, there it is. Shameless and obnoxious anonymous attempts on my feelings, and the only one looking stupid is the anonymous poster.
Why? Because my blog is for people to read if they're INTERESTED, not if they feel that I deserve an open attack.
Like I said, anon.
We're obviously not friends for a reason, and if you're someone I've hung out with in the last two months, you're fake as fuck to begin with. :)
I have seen a great many things in my life. I don't expect you to believe the things I say, because many unusual strokes of luck have befallen me, and I have been blessed to see a great many things. Part of who I am stems from this; my social awkwardness.
I don't trust people, because they don't trust me first. This is true for most people, and because of that, and the lack of solid evidence against me, I'm not terribly concerned by what others think of me.
Also, in regard to the recent hate mail saga, I am less than shocked. Drama is like a drug for some people, and they'll instigate for any given reason. People are mostly pathetic, and that's just facts.
Most wonder why a person with as much energy and attitude as I have hates humanity. Well folks, there it is. Shameless and obnoxious anonymous attempts on my feelings, and the only one looking stupid is the anonymous poster.
Why? Because my blog is for people to read if they're INTERESTED, not if they feel that I deserve an open attack.
Like I said, anon.
We're obviously not friends for a reason, and if you're someone I've hung out with in the last two months, you're fake as fuck to begin with. :)
On The Subject Of Anonymous Hatemail
My educated guess on this topic leads me to the age-old practice of back-stabbing.
Why is it exactly, that people feel the need to say nasty, untrue things about other human beings? Especially those who hardly know the party in question?
I suppose to each his own is the explanatory phrase for this one, but I for one, do not make a point of being rude to someone in secret.
I mean, let's be serious for a moment. Who are you to splatter someones character, when you're too ashamed to admit to your own identity?
Interesting, but I always thought that those who spoke openly were remembered, and those who remained anonymous were never noticed in the first place...
Why is it exactly, that people feel the need to say nasty, untrue things about other human beings? Especially those who hardly know the party in question?
I suppose to each his own is the explanatory phrase for this one, but I for one, do not make a point of being rude to someone in secret.
I mean, let's be serious for a moment. Who are you to splatter someones character, when you're too ashamed to admit to your own identity?
Interesting, but I always thought that those who spoke openly were remembered, and those who remained anonymous were never noticed in the first place...
Wednesday, March 4
I absolutely must have an explanation here.
Why is it, that when a guy says he'll call you at specific time, it always winds up taking him a few days to get that time right?
This has always flabbergasted me to no end, as I run a tight ship, schedule-wise. I have things to do. I'm already making time appear out of thin air for him, so what's a few minutes on the phone, letting me know that plans have changed, right?
Am I not entitled to that?
Perhaps I'm just frustrated that something came up, and for whatever reason, two out the four times he said he'd call at a certain time, he hasn't. Perhaps.
It's also true that I don't particularly like the male gender as a whole at the moment, due to the usual melodramatic banter that goes on in my home. Same story, different day; that sort of thing.
Oh. Have I not told you?
I, antisocial to a painful fault, am living with five other human beings. Fairly, I have warmed them that I am not always in the best spirits when it comes to human beings, and that in those instances, I am better left to my own devices. I chose, both wisely and not-so-much, to be appointed the head of this household. The option for this job would not necessarily have been the best choice, as it wields a great deal of poor, and must be maintained by an objective party, such as myself. However, at this present time, I am beginning to lack objectivity, as the people in my life continue to fail at cohabitation.
Why is it, I ask, that some just cannot grasp the concept that when you move into a home, agreeing to follow the rules, you CONTINUE to follow them? While at the same time, others don't realize that in order to LIVE, you must learn to deal with the flaws of others. (Most human beings are disastrously flawed, and should be put out of their misery early, in my opinion.)
Perhaps I view things this way because I am so shamelessly disconnected from others.
But I doubt it.
Why is it, that when a guy says he'll call you at specific time, it always winds up taking him a few days to get that time right?
This has always flabbergasted me to no end, as I run a tight ship, schedule-wise. I have things to do. I'm already making time appear out of thin air for him, so what's a few minutes on the phone, letting me know that plans have changed, right?
Am I not entitled to that?
Perhaps I'm just frustrated that something came up, and for whatever reason, two out the four times he said he'd call at a certain time, he hasn't. Perhaps.
It's also true that I don't particularly like the male gender as a whole at the moment, due to the usual melodramatic banter that goes on in my home. Same story, different day; that sort of thing.
Oh. Have I not told you?
I, antisocial to a painful fault, am living with five other human beings. Fairly, I have warmed them that I am not always in the best spirits when it comes to human beings, and that in those instances, I am better left to my own devices. I chose, both wisely and not-so-much, to be appointed the head of this household. The option for this job would not necessarily have been the best choice, as it wields a great deal of poor, and must be maintained by an objective party, such as myself. However, at this present time, I am beginning to lack objectivity, as the people in my life continue to fail at cohabitation.
Why is it, I ask, that some just cannot grasp the concept that when you move into a home, agreeing to follow the rules, you CONTINUE to follow them? While at the same time, others don't realize that in order to LIVE, you must learn to deal with the flaws of others. (Most human beings are disastrously flawed, and should be put out of their misery early, in my opinion.)
Perhaps I view things this way because I am so shamelessly disconnected from others.
But I doubt it.
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About Me
- oh, devil.
- i am young, though every sunrise brings another aching muscle, another sore joint. i am wise, though every mistake holds consequences, and every hurt makes room for emptiness. I will one day rise; face myself, and let knowledge run rampant.