Wednesday, July 30

Portland, Maine and the Problem of Homeless Youth

Now, for this editorial, I did an undercover operation. On and off for the last year, I've sneaked down to Maine's "real capital" and buried myself under the cover of a teenager kicked out of her home.
I will not deny that more often than not, this was truly the case. My parents and I can't get along; story of the average American teenagers life, right?
Well, it is, folks. A better portion of the teens I encountered in the harbor city are homeless by choice; leaving home simply because their parents do not approve of the lifestyle they choose.
Many are confused about their sexuality, using drugs, or consuming enormous amounts of alcohol, causing a mass falling-out between children and their parents.

Many of these same young people remain on the streets; sleeping underneath bridges, couch-surfacing, and staying in local homeless shelters. Homeless shelters that are infested with fleas and other pestilence, mind you. We are not talking the Ritz-Carlton of homeless shelters. If these kids want that, they get arrested, and live in jail.
Sad as it sounds, this is safer for some, if not most, of these youths.

I am not by any means trying to condone crime in order for these young people to sleep safe.
I am merely hoping for some combination of unconditional love and understanding, that which I doub I will see outside of my own home for some years to come.
My generations children may have more understanding parents, or it may have more concerned parents.
This remains to be seen.
Until that time comes, I will make a case for my generation: understanding, for it will save us all.

Monday, July 21

An Attempt...

this place surrounding me...
four walls, none left untouched.
i am forgotten, if for mere seconds, and become afraid.
forever will i stop short, asking myself 'what next?'
i am forging a path many
before me have merely dreamed for,
though i see no delight in my effortlessness.
stop short; ask yourself one question.
where are you?
delighted by the world?
forever searching, human design is recognized.
i will ask of nothing from you.
only solidarity, faithfulness.
you see, nothing more than that can sustain me.
i am satisfied with failure;
we are through.

forget, nothing.

Thursday, July 10

My Take On High Times

I spent the afternoon hanging out with a large group of twenty-somethings from central Maine.
If you have ever heard anything about central Maine, aside from it being located in Southeast Canada, you will know what this entailed.
After hours of conversation about the history of our nation, we smoked a few bowls and began discussing the latest article in America's premier Marijuana magazine.
As I flipped through the pages, skimming articles and hoping to gain insight as to why the magazine is so popular, it dawned clear.
Not only are pot smokers perceived as uneducated and dull, they are seen as criminals. Okay, in all fairness, I knew this was the case. I mean, come on. I've lived in central Florida, Maine, and throughout the country in the past few years. It is no secret to me that the consumption, purchase, and possession of Marijuana are illegal. But High Times opened new doors to me this evening.
Think about it.
How many different uses for light bulbs can you think of? I now know of at least ten additional uses.
How many celebrities can you think of that are currently, or were at some point, making their living off "stoner comedy"?
I now know of three additional parties.
Interesting, isn't it, how popular a topic this is. While paging through the popular editorial, I encountered all sorts of new products being added to the seasoned smokers market.
Thanks to this popular publication, I now have something to look forward to, this forthcoming school year.
Boy, let me tell you what the year two thousand eight looks like for me.

It is a complete haze. I have not yet been so excited.

Tuesday, July 8

Tribute To A Dying Trend

Internet dating.
In the past five years, this phenomenon has risen, and with a resounding crash, fallen.
Due to high rates of dangerous individuals luring innocents away from safety using this methodology, the world wide web is being abandoned yet again.

But, only by one age group, and you will never guess which it is.
My age group. Yes, those between the ages of twenty-one and twenty-six are abandoning the internet as a dating tool. As it would seem, the percentage of nightclub attendees has risen since this trend died down.
Perhaps there is rhyme to this reason.
I have noticed that though I am not the relationship type, those around me that are going out and meeting new people on a personal level, are doing it far more often than they normally would. This is a turning point for me, and for my generation.
Whatever will we do in our thirties, when the quest for young love has long-since passed its prime moment?

Thank heavens the author in me needs only cigarettes and marijuana, and not a man.
Think on it.

Friday, July 4

Metal Shows.
Ah, what can I say? I don't love them, and I don't hate them.
As I head off for a weekend of mischief and mayhem with California originals Carnifex, I should lay a disclaimer at the feet of whomever we come in contact with.
Touring life is not what everyone would call good fun.
These boys are stuck in a van for weeks at a time; tour schedule depending, sometimes months. You have to have a specific frame of mind to be able to even remotely understand that!
So, this in mind, I shall go off and embark on an adventure that could potentially be remembered for eternity in the great city of Portland.
I have sustained broken teeth, bruised ribs, concussions, sprains, and fractures as an avid metal listener. Who knew such a lifestyle could be so popular with todays angry youth?
Let's be honest. Metal is perfect for rebelling teenagers. Parents hate ruckus, so why not inflict harm on their ears in sound form?

Well, off I go. Time to break things. :)

About Me

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i am young, though every sunrise brings another aching muscle, another sore joint. i am wise, though every mistake holds consequences, and every hurt makes room for emptiness. I will one day rise; face myself, and let knowledge run rampant.